Preparing for Distributed Work
This course is your starting point for building skills for distributed work. Level up your ability to work in a remote-work setting in this easy-to-follow foundational course.
Welcome to Preparing for Distributed Work
Getting the most from this learning experience
Tell us your goals!
Meet the course instructors
Using your discussion board
Hybrid, remote and distributed work
Working synchronously
Working asynchronously
Using Documentation
Asynchronous communication tools
Knowledge quiz
Preparing for online meetings
Managing your calendar
Running team meetings
Efficient decision making
Online collaboration tools
Knowledge quiz
Setting up your work environment
Building relationships with your team
Developing professional relationships across your company
Using feedback as a tool for building professional relationships
Knowledge quiz
Defining your ways of working
Creating a work routine
Creating your action plan
Connecting with distributed workers and employers
Feedback survey
Reflecting on your learning experience
This course is the perfect introduction to being part of a distributed or remote team. Our Oyster instructors will support you to:
Leverage distributed terminology in day-to-day conversation
Understand and use digital tools that facilitate distributed work
Build relationships in distributed companies
Explore strategies for maintaining a healthy work life balance
Create your personal approach to distributed work by building your personalized action plan